Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Bakpia is a food that was made from the mung beans mixture with sugar that was wrapped in previous flour be roasted.
In several areas in Indonesia, food that was felt sweet if being eaten this was known by the name of pia or the cake pia.
The contents bakpia could adapt with the consumer's wish including being brown, cheese, the green fish basket, and the black fish basket.
Bakpia that was enough to be known by one of them to come from the Pathok area, Yogyakarta.
For who has try it, don't say what delicious it.
*directly translated from -- so difficult to understand --


Anonymous said...

Bakpia koq bentuke kotak?lak bunder bentuke?

Anonymous said...

Mohon maaf sebelumnya, kalau bahasa Inggris anda kurang baik, lebih baik pakai Bahasa Indonesia saja, karena ketiga artikel anda mengenai makanan jogja dll jadi ga jelas apa maksudnya banyak sekali kata2 dan grammar yg salah, thanks, arie

Annas Wahyu P. said...

Hehe...makasih buwat mas ari, aku pake bhs inggris yang sebenernya aku ga blom bisa cuman buwat nurutin google ben bisa dipasang google adsense :D
eniwe, thx buat klitiknya ^-^